KDO-800Nm3/h Liquid Nitrogen Production Line

Michael Picco
Michael Picco

Technical Director - Energy & Environment

A Liquid Nitrogen Production Line is an industrial facility that creates molecular oxygen, molecular nitrogen, argon, krypton, helium, and xenon at relatively high purity. As air is made up of nitrogen, the most common gas in the atmosphere, at 78%, with oxygen at 19%, and argon at 1%, with trace gasses making up the rest, cryogenic gas plants separate air inside a distillation column at cryogenic temperatures (about 100 K/-173 °C) to produce high purity gasses such as argon, nitrogen, oxygen, and many more with 1 ppm or less impurities.

The main purpose of a cryogenic nitrogen plant is to provide a customer with high purity gaseous nitrogen (GAN), liquid nitrogen (LIN), liquid argon (LAR) and high purity argon PLAR at high purities, along with extracting trace gasses like krypton, xenon and helium. High purity liquid material such as oxygen or nitrogen produced by cryogenic plants is stored in a local tank and used as a strategic reserve. This liquid can be vaporised to cover peaks in demand or for use when the plant is offline. Argon, xenon and helium are usually sold to customers in high pressure tank cars or trucks directly due to the smaller volumes.

Liquid nitrogen plant

Several aspects of Liquid Nitrogen Production Line:

a. Air Compressor

It provides energy for subsequent gas purification and separation. According to different types, it can be divided into piston type, screw type.

b. Air pre-cooling system

The main function of the air pre-cooling system is to reduce the temperature of the air entering the purifier and the water content in the air.

carburetor of air separation unit

c. Molecular Sieve Purifier

Purifier is used to remove C02, C2H2 and residual water in the air. lt is an important part of low temperature air separation unit.

d. Distillation Column And Cold Box
To completely separate liquefied air into its components ( oxygen, nitrogen, argon, etc.) , it is necessary to carry out multiple evaporation and condensation processes alternately. This method is distillation.

Characters of Liquid Nitrogen Production Line:

1.The patented technology is mature and the process is optimized.
2. High quality, reliable price.
3. Quick and convenient to start / stop. Remote monitoring, easy to operate.
4. Low energy cost.
5. Delivery on time and excellent after-sales service
6. Excellent pre- and after-sales service.
7. The operation is stable and simple.
8. Extremely high level production and installation quality.

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