KDO-8000Nm3/h cryogenic air separation process

Michael Picco
Michael Picco

Technical Director - Energy & Environment

In the realm of industrial processes, the Cryogenic Air Separation Process stands out as a cornerstone, enabling the efficient extraction of gases such as oxygen and nitrogen from the air. This article delves into the principles, processes, and notable advantages of Cryogenic Air Separation, shedding light on its significance in various industries.

Principles of Cryogenic Air Separation:

The fundamental principle underlying Cryogenic Air Separation lies in exploiting the differing boiling points of gases in the air.

Compressed air undergoes a sequence of steps involving cooling and depressurization, ultimately leading to the separation of nitrogen and oxygen into liquid forms.

This separation relies on the distinct boiling points of nitrogen and oxygen, with liquid nitrogen having a lower boiling point, facilitating its extraction.

ASU equipment

Processes Involved in Cryogenic Air Separation:

The Cryogenic Air Separation process unfolds through several key stages.

1. Initially, air is compressed to enhance its density, followed by a cooling phase to lower its temperature.
2.Leveraging the variance in boiling points, nitrogen and oxygen are then separated into liquid states.
3.Subsequently, through an expansion process, liquid nitrogen and oxygen are extracted separately, catering to diverse industrial applications.

ASU equipment liquid oxygen

Advantages of Cryogenic Air Separation:

Cryogenic Air Separation technology boasts numerous advantages.

Firstly, it efficiently produces high-purity oxygen and nitrogen, meeting the demands of diverse industrial sectors.
Secondly, the process is environmentally friendly, as it relies on the physical separation of air components, sidestepping the generation of chemical by-products.
Additionally, the technology is flexible, accommodating production needs across varying scales.

In conclusion, the Cryogenic Air Separation Process serves as a pivotal industrial process, offering a reliable source of gases through its efficient, environmentally conscious, and adaptable characteristics. A comprehensive understanding of the principles and processes of Cryogenic Air Separation allows for the optimal harnessing of its substantial advantages in practical applications.


Reliable and Sustainable On-site Gas Production

We are major industrial gas supplier with leading technology in all areas of on-site gas generation: reforming, cryogenic, permeation, and adsorption.
Air Products’ ASU systems offer customers a flexible and sustainable option for producing oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and other process gases at their site. These systems help customers lower their carbon footprint, boost energy efficiency, increase throughput, enhance end product quality. And improve environmental performance. In addition to local technical teams, our Operations Service Centers provide 24×7 plant monitoring for real time optimization and rapid troubleshooting.

We continue to innovate and invest in our technologies to design, build and operate on-site gas generation plants. With many sites operating around the world, we have the breadth of knowledge and experience to deliver reliable, safe and efficient on-site gas production.

cryogenic air separation process

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